Hailing from Gjøvik, Djevelkult is a Norwegian black metal cult brought out of void in 2009 by Dødsherre Xarim, with a vision of darkness and chaos, and to spread a message of blasphemy against man and God. Xarim first started with a different set of members than the current lineup, but due to differences, imprisonments, and other situations, the lineup for the first year went into oblivion. Xarim then got together with the drummer Ond of Liktjern in 2010, and thus work of the evil chants started. With Xarim and Ond as the primary lineup, Djevelkult recorded and released the demo Skapt av Helvetesild in the summer of 2011. At the same time, Beleth joined in band, and shortly after, Skabb did, as well. With the lineup now a four-piece, Djevelkult then wrote and recorded their debut album, I Djevelens Tegn, which was subsequently released by Morbid Shrine Productions in September 2014. Ond left the cult in the summer 2014 due personal reasons and T.K. joined in as a live s...