The Crypt

Welcome to The Crypt... A place where I bury all of the shit that doesn't always "fit" a typical Cemetery Lament post but refuses to die. Here you can find all kinds of one off items of interest. Videos, books, and other items that might be interesting but not always directly related to what I normally post on the blog. Have a look around and if you have any suggestions for things to bury here feel free to email me... 

Black Metal's One Man Bands... Produced by Noisey, An interesting 3 part documentary about some of the more well known solo projects in the black metal community. A little dated now but still interesting considering many of the bands that I write about here on Cemetery Lament are also solo projects. 

Part 1 of 3

Part 2 of 3

Part 3 of 3

Zero Tolerance Magazine RSS Feed

Nuclear Blast - News

Metal Blade - News