Epitaph ~ Cemetery Lament Goes Indie

Welcome to the very first Epitaph on Cemetery Lament. For the most part Epitaphs are just going to be bullshit articles I write when I'm bored so that I can pump worthless crap into your pathetic human skulls. News, updates, opinions or whatever the hell I might come up with that I feel like sharing. For my first Epitaph I thought I would kick things off with a few things that I have going on with the blog and hope to have off the ground over the next few months. As of now I don't have a set timetable for any of this but I plan on rolling them out in the next three or four months if possible. 

Before I dig deeper into this I just want to thank everyone who has followed the blog and especially all the incredible bands and artists who contact me on a daily basis and show support for what I'm trying to do here. When I started this stupid blog over a year ago I never imagined that it would take off in the underground community like as it has. At the time of this writing I'm averaging over a thousand unique hits to the blog a week and even more on other social media sites like Facebook and Google+. I have bands and artists emailing me daily asking me to listen to their music and feature it on the blog... So if you are one of the bands that has contacted me and I haven't got around to your music yet please know I'm really trying my best to get through a literal MOUNTAIN of work that has come in over the last year. This blog was only ever intended to be a hobby, something that I would do a few times a month just to kill some time when I was bored. I'm incredibly humbled by the number of bands and artists who have contacted me and shared their music and time with me. You are all fucking amazing and without such a strong and loyal underground community this blog wouldn't exist. So again a HUGE thank you. NOW, back on topic... What in the unholy fuck is going on around here? Well two major things are currently festering in the back of my sick and twisted mind. The first of which and probably the most likely to happen in the upcoming months is...

The Cemetery Lament Podcast - This has been something I've been kicking around for a while now. I'm trying to learn as much as I can about producing a quality pod cast so that when I do finally release something it isn't a giant flaming ball of shit that nobody wants to listen to. But aside from that I have a few more things to get lined up before this becomes a reality but it's definitely in the works so just hang in there. 

The reason for a pod cast is pretty simple and makes a lot of sense when you think about the fact that this blog is dedicated to music. What better way to share new music with the world than through audio. The format is going to be simple enough, some news and updates from around the underground community, music from underground bands and whatever bullshit I might come up with to fill in the gaps. Mostly music and a little bit of me blabbing in between about why you should listen to it.

Cemetery Lament Productions - Yes, you asked for it and I'm working on making it a reality. With any luck before the end of 2018 I will be going into the indie record label business. This one is going to take a bit more planning and a lot more cash up front than a pod cast so I'm going to have to make damn sure I have my shit together before I bring this beast to life. 

I'm currently shopping around for the best prices for physical CD and possibly Cassette production as well as developing a business and marketing strategy that will benefit and protect everyone involved. Now before anyone gets all fired up about this I should probably mention that I don't think anyone is going to be making a million dollars on this but I do plan to come up with a business model that is mutually beneficial for everyone involved. My goal is to distribute and promote underground artists/bands work while allowing them to maintain all the rights to their own music. Since most of the artists I work with are already producing their own music the role of CLP is going to be marketing promotion and distribution of physical and digital copies of their albums and EP's. 

I have several reasons for wanting to start my own label. First and foremost being the number of you that have asked me to do it. I have talked to dozens of bands and artists over the last year that have said on more than one occasion that I need to explore this more. Another reason has to do with number of promos I receive on a daily basis from other small indie labels and how many of them are total garbage when compared to the quality of music I'm getting from all of you. I probably get 20 or 30 emails a day from promoters and some of what is getting produced is some real fucking horrible shit. Then I listen to some of the bands that I've featured on this blog and can't believe that nobody is doing anything with or for you guys. It breaks my black little heart to know how many truly talented artists are out there and nobody is doing anything to get their music out to the masses beyond sharing a few links on Facebook. So I have finally had enough and feel that Cemetery Lament Productions will be a better breed of underground metal.   

So there you have it boys and girls, a little update on a few of the sick and twisted plans I've been cooking up around here for the upcoming year. I'm pretty excited about both of these new adventures.


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